Why Hybrid Church?

Problems and Opportunity, Pt. 1 of 2

One of the most significant things the pandemic has changed is people’s expectations. Quarantines, closings, and social distancing forced us to order products and services online that we used to seek out in person. And even though many of us preferred the more social versions of those experiences, we quickly became accustomed to the convenience and flexibility of our new digital options.

For example, during lockdown, you might have had takeout or groceries delivered to your door. If you could perform at least some tasks for your job from home, you’ve probably worked remotely. If you have children, they’ve most likely done some school online. You might even have had a video call with a doctor.

All of these digital experiences have required compromises, and many fall short when compared with their in-person, “real world” versions. But over time, as businesses and service providers have gotten better at bridging the gap between us and them, many of us have discovered new advantages we hadn’t even considered before. In any case, it’s clear…

Hybrid is the new normal.

We like having choices. We like being able to engage with other people in deep, honest relationships. We like having opportunities to actively participate in meaningful experiences. And we especially enjoy being able to choose between in-person and online options.

In the past, early adopters were willing to accept the tradeoffs that came with new technology—higher costs and more complexity. But the scale forced by the pandemic has made many of these technologies more affordable, while at the same time requiring simpler interfaces that could serve more people. And now, as a result, more people than ever before rely on technology as an integral part of their everyday lives.

These changes present the body of Christ with an opportunity unique in all of human history.

The need has never been greater, the mission field has never been bigger, and we have never been better equipped to “go into all the world.”

Continue on to part 2 to see how a Hybrid model can help us fulfill this mission.

This is Part 1 of a 2-part series. See Part 2

YouVersion for Churches is developing tools and resources to help you lead and minister in an increasingly hybrid world.