Create Community Around Your Christmas Content

As your team navigates online and in-person holiday experiences, we want to encourage you to remember that you’re providing more than just content: you’re building community around it.

Watch this video to learn more about building community around what you’re creating—and why it matters in an increasingly hybrid world.

After watching, ask your team this question: “How can we create conversation around our content this Christmas?”

As you discuss your own ideas, take a look at some options we shared below:

7 Ways to Create Community this Christmas

  1. Equip your church to host a Watch Party with their family, friends, or small group.

  2. Share discussion questions based on your sermon. Encourage people to continue the conversation surrounding your message throughout the week, especially with friends or family they invited to the service.

  3. Make people feel like their voices are heard by adding conversation-starters into your social media captions, or using the new “Add Yours” Story feature on Instagram.

  4. Resource volunteers to help people feel needed, known, and loved by training them to respond to comments or questions during your online service.

  5. Select Plans in YouVersion that extend the impact of your weekly message, or that focus on specific content such as Advent or Christmas.

  6. Encourage small groups to complete Plans with Friends. People can see one another’s progress as they complete days, then discuss the content in-app or in person.

  7. Email your community mid-week to provide easy ways to access your content—and encourage community and connection.

No matter how big your budget, how many team members you have, or how down to the wire it feels, know that your church is providing value this Christmas.

As we continue to lean into a future where people engage with the Church in digital and physical spaces, we must remember we’re providing more than content. We’re inviting conversation and action around it, too.

Interested in holiday assets? Unwrap 7 Free Christmas Resources for Your Church.