Celebrate the Bible With Us

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

Hebrews 4:12

YouVersion is on track to reach 500 million installs next month. That means hundreds of millions of people have access to God’s Word—in their own language—along with Bible Plans, prayer resources, and more. It means that they can connect with God no matter where they are or what they are going through.

There’s power in Scripture, and we want to boldly celebrate that.

As a pastor or church leader, we know you’re passionate about helping your church experience Scripture. We invite you to celebrate with us, and here are three ways you can join the celebration.

3 Ways Your Church Can Join the Celebration

  1. Download our Bible is Alive campaign kit. To help your church celebrate and to encourage them to engage in Scripture, we’ve put together a free campaign kit featuring posters, slides, and social media graphics. Download the kit for free on the Life.Church Open Network site.
  2. Share how the Bible has changed your life. We’ve all read Scripture and felt like God was speaking to our current situation or attitude. Take time to share how the Bible has impacted your life personally with the people around you. This conversation is a great fit in your sermon, before your sermon, or during the week on social media. If you share on social media, be sure to tag @youversion.

  3. Encourage your church to read through The Bible is Alive Plan on YouVersion. On November 1, YouVersion is releasing a 7-day Bible Plan called The Bible is Alive. This is a great way for your church to experience Scripture together. Direct your whole church to read the Plan, and encourage your small groups to do it through Plans with Friends—a feature that allows people to read and discuss the daily content together.

    Search for this Plan starting November 1, or find another Plan to read together on our Plans page.

We’ll begin celebrating with our YouVersion Community later this month, so keep an eye out for how you and your church can continue to share that The Bible is Alive!

The Bible is Alive Campaign Kit
Download the free Campaign Kit